Order Notifications

Use this section of the control panel to enable and customize your autoresponder emails. With this feature enabled, a confirmation email will be automatically sent to your customers when an order is placed on your store. You can also customize the contents of the email and set whether or not you want to attach the relevant invoice.

You can choose to automatically send each email to multiple recipients. This can be useful if you want to send a copy of the email to your own email address to help you process the order as quickly as possible.

Notification Status

This will enable or disable the email autoresponder.

Customize Autoresponder

Available Tags

Tags allow you to automatically enter data that is specific to the order directly into the email, such as Customer Name or Order Date. Simply select the place in the textbox you want the tag to be added and click the tag below.

[CUSTOMER_DELIVERY_ADDRESS] ?The delivery address entered by the customer during checkout.
[CUSTOMER_DELIVERY_ADDRESS_PAYPAL] ?The customer's registered Paypal address. Use for PayPal Seller Protection Scheme.
[CUSTOMER_BILLING_ADDRESS] ?The billing address entered by the customer during checkout.
[CUSTOMER_NAME] ?The name of the customer.
[ORDER_DATE] ?The date of the order.
[ORDER_NUMBER] ?The order number (id).
[ORDER_REFERENCE] ?The internal order reference number.
[ORDER_TOTAL] ?The total value of the order in your default store currency.
[PAYMENT_METHOD] ?The method used to pay for the order, such as PayPal.
[STORE_EMAIL] ?The contact email address associated with your store.
[STORE_NAME] ?The name of your store as set in the Settings > Store Settings section.
[STORE_URL] ?The website address of your store.
[CUSTOMER_FIRSTNAME] ?The first name entered by the customer during checkout.
[CUSTOMER_LASTNAME] ?The last name entered by the customer during checkout.
[CUSTOMER_EMAIL] ?The email address entered by the customer during checkout.
[CUSTOMER_NAME_DELIVERY] ?The name stated on the Delivery Address entered by the customer during checkout.
[STORE_TELEPHONE] ?The contact telephone number associated with your store.

Send a copy of the email to yourself.

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Email already an additional recipient
You have an outstanding invoice
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