What is a Favicon?

A Favicon is a small image that typically appears in the Address Bar or tab bar of your browser.

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Please note it can take up to 30 seconds to go live on your store.
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Upload Favicon

Use the uploader below to upload your Favicon image file.

Supported file formats: .ico .png .jpg

Convert your image to .ico on http://tools.dynamicdrive.com/favicon/

For the best results, upload a square image which is no larger than 256px in height and width.


  • Be more easily recognized.
  • A great way to brand your site.
  • Increase the prominence of your site in browser tabs and the bookmark menu.
  • Differentiate your website from your competitors.
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If you continue to see this error then please feel free to contact our support team directly via email via support@freewebstore.org

Or you can contact us via our Twitter account @Freewebstore or our Facebook page

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Something went wrong and we couldn't complete your request

Internal Server Error

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If you continue to see this error then please feel free to contact our support team directly via email: support@freewebstore.org

Or you can contact us via our Twitter account or our Facebook Page

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